
Ma Vie Avec Un Robot (2016)

What is it like to live with a robot at home for 6 months? I had the pleasure to run this exciting experiment on myself and my husband. In this 84-minute documentary, filled with warmth, humanity and science (!!!), viewers get a sneak peek at the coming era of home robots and their impact. Hosted by yours truly in French, the film was shown on Planete+ (the documentary channel of Canal+, ~5 million subscribers in France) and Planete+ Canada. Recommended by LeMonde. Watch the trailer.

The Human Side of AI - Canada2020 (2017)

In this 20-minute talk in Ottawa, I talk about the human element in AI and robotics.

L’Ere des Robots Bienveillants (2016)

Why humanoid robots? In this talk (in French), I describe how robots pull our digital world back into reality and humanity.

Robots, Empathy and Emotions - TEDx Kuala Lumpur (2014)

In August 2014, I flew to Malaysia to give my first talk as Dr. Lim, in front of a crowd of 3000! The topic this time was Robots and Emotions, based on my work in this paper. After the talk, I was particularly happy to hear from many young women inspired to continue in science. Thank you, TEDxKL!

On Designing User-Friendly Robots - TEDxKyoto (2012)

Speaking at TEDxKyoto 2012 was an amazing experience. I was invited to speak on the topic of Designing User-Friendly Robots. My main point was that building trust is important to bring robots into our daily lives. One of the ways we can build that trust is by making robots more emotionally intelligent.

How to Build a Robot Brain (2015)

What goes into building a robot’s software? I gave an hour-long lecture at Carleton University on the topic of How To Build a Robot Brain: From Artificial Intelligence to Emotional Intelligence. Enjoy!

Emotional Machine Learning (2015)

My work at Aldebaran. This lecture took place as part of the Summer School on Computational Social And Behavioral Science.

Emotion and Creativity in Artificial Intelligence (2016)

In this 45-min talk (in French), I debunk some myths regarding AI, discuss what we consider creativity, and whether robots could have it.

I Speak Robot Panel, SXSW (2017)

How important is it that we design robots to communicate emotions and intentions like humans? With home robots and autonomous vehicles as examples, we discuss designing robot communication and how much we borrow from human qualities such as gender, voice, sounds, gestures and eye contact. Audio Recording

In the Media

Thanks to all the journalists who have chronicled my work over the past few years!